Friday, February 6, 2009

Movie Night

The series is starting. FINALLY! Movie night kicks off this next Tuesday, 10 Feb @ 7:30pm in Smiley Art Building, Gallery 118. First up is Paprika.   

Join us for Free movies projected against the galley wall with food and drink welcome.  (I'm going to try to get my hands on an air popper!)

10 Feb- Paprika (2006 Dir: Satoshi Kon, Japanese anime: you never realized how dangerous stolen dreams could be...let alone the questions of how and who)
24 Feb- Blade Runner (1982 Dir: Ridley Scott classic sci-fi with Harrison Ford, Sean Young, Daryl Hannah: Do you really know whether your memories are your own?)
10 Mar- Blue Velvet (1986 Dir: David Lynch film with Dennis Hopper, Isabella Rossellini, Laura Dern, : the illusion of blissful suburban existence begins to unravel when a severed human ear is found in a field...)
24 Mar- The Royal Tenenbaums (2001 Dir: Wes Anderson, a well-to-do and quite estranged family comprised of many former child prodigies reunites)
14 Apr- Brazil (1985 Dir Terry Gilliam, discover the retro future envisioned by Mr. Gilliam)
28 Apr- Pan's Labyrinth (2006 Dir: Guillermo del Toro, Spanish: Fantasy and reality collide for 10 year old Ophelia in the Civil War of 1944 Fascist Spain)
12 May- Shaun of the Dead (2004 Dir: Edgar Wright, Sean's just not having a very good day...)

------Prepare to Picnic!------

Friday, January 30, 2009

Reactions between clear enamel and copper
A rainbow of color created by clear

Inspired by the book Swimmy by Leo Lioni
Rock Candy Pebble ring




C_rock_ringPlay copy

Friday, January 23, 2009

Lace Research

Reference: Lace and Lacemaking by Alice-May Bullock, 1981


Modern Definition: "a fine openwork plain or decorated fabric"

'Till mid-17th Century Definition: "narrow braid worked on a loom, or a silk or thread cord for drawing two edges together, such as a shoe lace or a stay lace."

-lace was grouped with passament (trimmings)

-bobbin lace is also called: Pillow lace, bone lace or bone work

-Early bobbins were made of bone

Lace is made up of two main parts: 1) the solid pattern, mat or clothwork (toile), and 2) the ground (fond) which joins the pattern together

- ground can either be network or bride ground

-network can be plain or fancy net

-bride ground is called such for the little irregular bars (brides) which join together the different pattern parts

-the small loops or bars decorating the edge of lace are called pearls or purls (picot)